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About BFI

BFI Constructors Ltd. (BFI) is a multi-disciplined construction contractor supplying construction personnel to large industrial and heavy civil construction projects across Canada. BFI has a diversified portfolio in executing projects that include oil refineries, potash and hard-rock mines, power generating stations, pumping stations, electricity transmission lines, petrochemical plants, and oil sands facilities.

BFI’s key strengths are extensive experience, a long track record of productive labour relations, proven negotiating skills, a high-quality workforce, an experienced management team and a superb safety track record over many years of operation.

For decades BFI has had a significant presence in Western Canada, executing construction projects in the industrial sector. Our company's success has been rooted in our people, our greatest asset. BFI has contributed millions of man-hours to the unionized construction section, and continues to explore new opportunities through our union partnerships.